Parent Information
School Hours
Take In Time: 7:30am
Dismissal Time: 3:10pm

TPCT History
The Charles Henderson Educational Association made a substantial contribution to Troy Pike Center for Technology in memory of Charles Henderson.
Troy Pike Area-Vocational Center was erected in 1977. The center was once known as the Vo-Tech and is presently known as the Troy Pike Center for Technology (TPCT).
Troy-Pike Center for Technology serves both the Pike County School System & the Troy City School System and offers the following programs to students in 9-12 grades.
- Education and Training
- Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering
- Data Base Design
- Health Science
- Cooperative Education
- Welding
Each Career Tech program offered at the Troy-Pike Center for Technology helps develop the talents and skills of students enrolled in the Career Tech classroom setting that are rigorous, progressive and certified to international standards. Each of our programs receive and maintain certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) through the business/industry certification (BIC) process, which ensure that our programs meet industry standards. Each Career Tech program has a Career Tech club that provides students with leadership skills that help students prepare for careers.
Our Mission
TPCT strives to prepare students for college career and life learning through hands-on learning in curse work that is both rigorous and relevant for the 21st century workforce.
Our Vision
Our Motto
Philosophy Of Career Tech Education
The Troy City Schools Board of Education and the Pike County Board of Education believes the career and technical education is a vital and worthwhile part of the total educational program within our school system. The acquisition of work skills as determined by occupational demand is necessary for the social and economic well-being of our youth, adults, and community as a whole. The Boards of Education support and offer in conjunction with the Alabama State Department of Education Career and Technical Division, those programs determined to be appropriate in its educational system. This also includes career and technical guidance and counseling services as an integral part of the total educational program.
The purpose of career/technical education (CTE) is to enhance the curriculum of the total school program. Through the different phases of the students' educational experience, career/technical education should prepare them to become more proficient in their chosen career path. Career/technical education provides opportunities for secondary students to acquire specific and useful academic, occupational, and employability skills training. Career/technical education prepares students to be well-rounded and to succeed and profit from new skills, knowledge, and understanding in a chosen career path. Education for occupational competence should be an integral part of the educational program for every student enrolled in America's high schools. There is no question of the need for an educated labor force; therefore, the aims and purposes of those charged with the responsibility for planning an effective career/technical education program should be that of "fulfilling the need."
CTE Mission
The mission of Career Technical Education in Troy City Schools and Pike County Schools is to provide career and technical instruction to prepare students for life after high school, whether that may include post-secondary education, employment, or a combination of both. The Boards of Education of Troy City Schools and Pike County Schools recognize the differences in the educational needs of students and seek to meet those needs in order that each individual student may find a productive place in society.
Career and technical instruction may include any and all of the following:
- classroom instruction;
- classroom-related field, shop, and laboratory work;
- programs providing occupational work experience, including cooperative education programs;
- career and technical guidance and counseling in connection with occupational training; and
- activities of Career Tech student organizations which are an integral part of Career Tech instruction.
CTE Vision
Core Values
- The right to opportunity is non-negotiable.
- All children are society's highest priority.
- All people have equal worth.
- There is virtue in all honest work.
- High expectations drive high achievement.
- Extraordinary goals can be best achieved by working together.
- Progress requires openness to change.
- Everyone has the capability and the responsibility to learn throughout life.
- People have an obligation to help one another.
- Promote the positive image of career/technical education.
- Provide relevant and focused professional development.
- Maintain effective partnerships to promote development of Alabama's workforce.
- Provide continuous development of rigorous, progressive, and research-based career/technical education curricula.
- Recruit and retain highly qualified career/technical teachers and administrators.
- Increase the academic skills of career/technical education students.
- Exceed minimum requirements of state and federal legislation.
- Provide improve articulation with postsecondary education.
- Enhance and support the use of technology.